A man's pitching wedge golf club length is approximately 36 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
A man's 7 iron golf club length is approximately 37 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
A man's 6 iron golf club length is approximately 37.5 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
A man's sand wedge golf club length is approximately 36 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
A man's 5 iron golf club length is approximately 38 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
To get the most from your tee shots, you'll need to use the right golf club. Many players use golf clubs that have shafts too long, costing you accuracy. Also use a golf club with enough loft for your swing. For most avarage players, a driver with at least 10 degrees of loft is recommended. Check the flex of your clubs as well. Golf club shafts that are too stiff will cause you to make compensations in your swing, leading to inconsistent shots. Finally, if you feel golfing equipment is holding you back, make an appointment to be fitted by a professional. This will save you time and money when shopping for new golf clubs.
A man's 9 iron golf club length is approximately 36 inches. This may vary between manufacturers.
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How high do I tee up a ball for driving
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What are some basic golfing techniques?
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How can I use a draw in my golf game?
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Where is the correct Driver ball position
How much of the ball is above the driver at address
what are the steps of the golf swing
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What club is used for chipping
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What club is used for fringe shots
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How do I balance my weight on the downswing
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How can I keep my golf grips in good shape?
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What do the terms "not enough club" and "take one more club" mean?
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I work at a health club are there any gym exercises a golfer could do to strengthen and help with their drive?
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Why do people where them gay pants and not where like blue jeans or something?
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could you please explain what "handicap" means in scoring for golf...thanks
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How do I hitthe ball when it rests uphill, downhill or on a sidehill?
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what does "hole high" mean?
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When golfing in a group and 2 of the 3 players are on the green and the other is on the fringe, is it OK for the other 2 to mark there balls on the green so they don`t get hit?
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I hear hitting on golf mats will cause harm to your golf clubs and will decrease the loft in your clubs. It was posted in Golf Digest 2003 June edition ( Page 58 ) but wanted your comments on it..most all now around my area have mats.
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My name is Aaron and i am 14 and right handed, i want to make the highschool golf team, but when i hit my driver i have a major right curve on the ball. How do i correct this???
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which irons do i use and when and which woods do i use and when
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Which hand does a right hander wear his golf glove on? (buying a gift!)
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I shoot in the low to mid 80`s. For the past 4 years I have developed a tendency to draw the ball (sometimes it comes in a good 15 yards) with all irons. I have learned to "play" the shot by anticipating same but I am growing tired of it. I now want to hit straight shots. Firstly, is an offset club (ie: Callaway X-16) the wrong type of club for me to use. I like the looks and feel of the club but won`t an offset cause me to play the ball more from right to left? Secondly, (and besides from my club professional) were can I get all the "draw/hook" cures in one easy reference source. It seems they are scattered throughout numerous sources. Thank you
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For a skins match, my friend was trying to convince me that we should only use 50% of our handicap difference (28-10=18*50%=9 strokes vs. the 18 I thought we should have used). Who was right?
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how do i keep club from slipping and turning in my hands even with good grips?
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I am staring to take up golfing.
I am right handed. What shoulder should be pointing to the hole?
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Is there a standard layout for your golf bag and clubs and if so what ia it? Thankyou for your time
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How do I stop shanking?
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As a caddy, can i help the player align himself for a shot i`ve seen caddies help the player align himself for a putt on a green and then remove himself from the line before the player strikes the ball. is this the same procedure which should be used on all other shots.
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Quick question, What do I need to do to correct this shot. Almost every time I tee off my ball will go slitly to the right or act like it going stright and it takes a right hand turn like it does not want to miss the next street. I am a right hander.
Thanks Larry
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150 yard fixed 3ft marker in line of play do i get relief ?
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Is there a rule of thumb or guide/chart for the appropriate club to use at a particular distance. i.e. 9 iron = 100 yds, 8 iron = 110, 7 iron = 120 yds, 6 iron = 130 yds, and so on. I would like to have some sort of go-by chart for the average distance for each club.
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how can I stop overswinging?
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In general what irons are made for what distances? Thanks.
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How do I get my irons to stick on the green?
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If the golf ball is only partially on the green and also partially on the first cut off the green may the ball be considered "on the green" and treated accordingly. Or is the ball considered "off the green" unless all of it is "on the green"?
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What is the best way to play an uphill lie?
Thank You,
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hi , could you tell me if there is one particular move i can make to stop me coming over the top, would appreciate any help you could give.
many thanks james
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How can I improve my golfswing?
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what drill cures swinging over the top.
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I only slice my drive. I have a draw on all my other clubs. what could be the cause of this
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What is a greens fee?
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How is club shaft shiftness determined?
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what does "inside out" refer to with respect to a golf swing?
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What is an E club used for?
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Since being fitted out with fitted clubs I have some how introduced a slice when using my irons. No matter what I have done to iliminate the slice I just can`t get rid of it even after trying your tips. Please help
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